Privacy Policy for Royal Spa

Effective Date: November 27, 2023

  1. Introduction: Welcome to Royal Spa. Our commitment to your privacy and data security is paramount. This document details our practices in handling your personal information.

  2. Collected Information: We gather essential personal details from our clients, including:

    • Name
    • Phone Number
  3. Usage of Information: The collected data is exclusively for offering tailored spa services and enhancing your experience with us. We strictly refrain from distributing, selling, renting, or trading your personal details with external parties for commercial gains.

  4. Digital Tracking Technologies: We utilize various digital tools for tracking and refining our marketing strategies, such as:

    • Snapchat Pixel
    • Facebook Pixel
    • TikTok Pixel

    These technologies aid in understanding client engagement with our marketing initiatives and in optimizing our advertising efforts.

  5. No Sharing with Third Parties: We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal information, not sharing it with third parties unless mandated by law.

  6. Direct Contact via WhatsApp: Clients can reach us directly through the WhatsApp feature on our website. Conversations via this platform are confidential between the client and our team and are not digitally stored in our systems.

  7. Data Protection: We implement appropriate measures to safeguard your personal information (including Personally Identifiable Information) against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, it’s important to note that no internet transmission or storage method is infallible. Thus, we cannot assure absolute data security.

  8. Policy Updates: We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy periodically. Any changes will be communicated through an updated policy on our website.

  9. Contact Information: For inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via our website or at

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